Engaging Crossan's Ideas:
To finish off this mini-series on the lovable Irish scholar, John Dominic Crossan, today we will interact with his scholarly arguments and conclusions (outlined in Monday's blog post).
/ Metaphor:
Crossan’s embrace of structuralism
(the belief that language constructs reality) is self-referentially
absurd. As many philosophers have noted,
if structuralism were accurate, it would mean that we could cure HIV by simply
ceasing to talk about it—no language of HIV = no infected patients = no further
deaths from AIDS. Indeed, we could also
conveniently do away with unpleasant historical realities like the Crusades,
the Inquisition, the Black Plague, American slavery, and the Holocaust. As nearly everyone is aware, there is a real
physical world beyond us, that exists and has objective properties that hold
regardless of my particular beliefs.
Words may have significant power and influence, but they do not change
historical reality—they might alter the way people
understand history, but that is not
the same thing as constructing reality.